breakfast of champions
JoinedTopics Started by breakfast of champions
First day of university!
by breakfast of champions ini think this is going to be fun!.
interesting though.... i'm taking a required english comp course and the prof says above all we want you to develop your critical thinking skills!.
it's been a looooooong strange trip...... .
God is a Union Man
by breakfast of champions infor those active jws, there is a new program in place where publishers who frequent and 'witness' on apostate websites will receive triple time!
that's right, for every hour you spend on an apostate site you may count three hours (hazard pay) just let your service committee know you're interested in this new program and you may be approved to receive triple time!.
Is It Cognitive Bias or Is It Intentional?
by breakfast of champions inwith this latest wt article dealing with the 587/607 disparity, i truly have to wonder how people who have obviously done much research on the subject can systematically and purposefully either suppress or cast doubt upon all 'negative' evidence, while manipulating facts so they appear to support their stance.. is this a case of cognitive bias("a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest" as paul simon said)?.
or is this a matter of knowing what the facts are and intentionaly misleading people?.
maybe i already answered my own question.. .
1975 made easy
by breakfast of champions inhave been reading debates on several other threads as to whether or not 1975 was predicted as the end or not.. so go to google news, type in "jehovah's witnesses 1975" or something to that effect, then narrow the results to 1970 - 1979.. actual newspapers will come up with articles about witness predictions of 1975.. from what i see, they did a pretty good job of getting the word out a la harold camping (actually i think he did a better job).
hope this settles the issue for all time.. .
by breakfast of champions inoh gosh, i could be opening up a can of worms with this one, but.. what the hell!.
it seems to me that there is a disproportionate amount of jws who are involved in kinesiology or hk (health kinesiology).
i mean, if i asked the average guy or gal where i worked if putting a crystal on your bellybutton, moving your arm up and down and charging $100 to cure your ills made any sense they would say, hell no!.
If You Scheduled the TMS
by breakfast of champions ini was at a friend's house the other day and noticed on the refrigerator that they were scheduled for a talk on the tms.
it is for the week of july 25 and entitled:.
"why none of the demons are atheist (jas 2:19)".
My First DC 'Mentally Out'
by breakfast of champions inas the title indicates, the 2011 summer convention was my first one 'mentally out', and wow!
how can anyone stand this stuff?
demons, demons everywhere: yes, evidently after jesus kicked satan and his big hornets nest full of demons down to earth in 1914, they're all mean and nasty and just around every corner!
Summer reading suggestions
by breakfast of champions ina great read for this summer @the beach is:.
the origin of the brunists by robert coover.
this is one of the best books that no one has ever read or heard of.
Yet another newbie....
by breakfast of champions inbeen lurking since last august and figured i'd sign up.
history (although i feel like i've read this experience 100 times on.
this board already):.